An open message
Taken from Dantallion's Canon.
To those of you who may be different from me (which, if the current world population is 6,396,000,000 means the other 6,395,999,999 of you):
I'm happy you're here. I'm happy that you have different opinions, likes, dislikes, values, cultures, and beliefs than me. I'm glad our hair and eye colour are not precisely the same. I'm glad you bring your own unique perspective to the table, and I respect the fact that you make different choices than I in life.
After all, we all have choices to make. That's what life is.
I may not always agree with you. And I may even think your opinion is ridiculous or poorly founded. But rest assured, I will always respect your right to have your opinion, your own lifestyle and beliefs, and make your own choices.
However, for those of you who choose to hate certain members the other 6,395,999,999 inhabitants of the world (who are ALL different than you) for not embracing your opinions, lifestyle, religion, politics or belief system. For those of you who arbitrarily and violently enforce what you believe on others who bare you no personal ill-will. For those of you who think it's necessary to destroy the lives of other people because their thoughts and choices don't correspond with your own. For those of you who cannot understand that you can dislike another person and yet still have a healthy respect for their right to exist (as you do), please listen carefully:
Leave. You don't belong here. You're not welcome. You may or may not get away with the stupid, narrow-minded and atrocious acts of hate or violence that you direct at others in the short term. But mark my words, ultimately, one way or another, you'll pay.
And if it is so completely far beyond your mental capacity to understand the notion of respect for the other inhabitants of the planet (who have as much right to be here as you), then at the very least:
Live and let live.
And nobody should have to be telling you this, you stupid ass.
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