Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hanging Out at the Rest Stop on the Information Superhighway

I’ve not seen my best friend for a month now. He lives 1 subway stop away. We’ve not talked on the phone for about the same time.

This is no big deal – we’re New Yorkers – this is common.

Earlier today I was in the middle of a conniption – Blogger was down and I couldn’t read any of the entries my fellow writers and typists wrote. I start and end my day reading blogs and writing my own. When some SNAFU prevents this ritual I get cranky.

There is a clan of people that I consider my friends although I’ve only actually met a tiny portion of the group in a face to face way. The majority are blogger or photo-bloggers (phloggers). Their opinion matters most of the time – when it doesn’t it is because I am being stubborn usually. They have been inspirational, kind, generous, thoughtful, entertaining, inspiring, loving and silly – all of the things I try to impart on those I care about.

Who knew that this universe created of 1’s and 0’s could have me feeling more human and closer to others than the years I spent in group therapy. (Actually I hated group therapy – I felt like I was the one giving it to others and had to pay for this alleged opportunity instead of being paid) The internet was touted as the tool which would make us less social and geeks like me given the reputation of loners. I’ve had a string of hangovers to disprove these theories.

So one of my newer friends, yet no less dear, further north of the Americas than I, invited me to participate in this blog – and I had to say yes. Why? A group blog only lends itself to a greater sense of community for me and my interests. Collaborative efforts nicely balance out solitary ones not to mention keep my ego in check. (Given my remark on the group therapy thing, you can see why this needs to happen often)

Here I am to commune in this, well commune of words and people and places.

I’m glad to be here. The name is Aaron. I’m a terminal New Yorker. In the midst of typing I sometimes write and I take lots of pictures.

Okay, who’s next?


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